Welcome To My Garden

......Glory To God......


Little Things

A little song from a little bird,
when I awoke this morn' I heard,

A little prayer I prayed today,
for God to help us on our way.

A little shower at noon came down,
to refresh the thirsty dusty ground.

A little sun peeked through the clouds,
and a little rainbow shone so proud!

A little walk down a quiet road,
A little lifting of the load,

Some little flowers by a bubbling brook,
I found when this little walk I took.

A little smile was sent my way
from a stranger that I passed today.

A little hug from someone dear,
a little laugh, a little tear.

All these little things that be
are the most important things to me!

by Jo Rains-Leslie

welcome to my garden.
So glad you could stop by.
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The grass withers
and the flowers fall,
but the word of our
God stands forever
Isaiah 40:8

A Little about me

I am married to the same guy, 38 year, mother of 2,grandmother of 7 and also work part time attending a floral department at local supermarket.
We have one son in heaven and one son on earth.
Seven grandsons, one 12 year old that lives here, at home with my husband and I, and a 7 year old who comes over every weekend for sleepovers,lol.
The boys are ages 12,11,10,9,7 and 3.
We also have one grandson in college. He will soon be 21.

Learn a new song
Visit Ten Commandments for the children

The Site Fights Blooming Baskets
Send a Blooming Basket!

I not only have a love for flowers and children,I have a love for backyard birds.
I have enjoyed feeding them for 3 years now.
There are actually 8 feeding stations in our yard
and when time allows,I will be adding some photos in the future,
of our feathered friends.

The following pages contain inspirational poems, bible verses,patriotic site and a remembrance page for
Sgt. Brosey, my dad.

Enjoy your stay

No branch can bear fruit by itself;
it must remain on the vine.
Neither can you bear fruit
unless you remain in me.
John 15:4

The fruits of the spirit are,love, joy, peace, patience, kindness ,goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control
Galatians 5:22-23

I love flowers, and living in the northern part of the United States we can't always go outside and see flowers.Thanks Kitty for the use of these wonderful pansies flowers. I throughly enjoy viewing your beautiful design and displaying them on this page.
God Bless!

October 27th 2001