Worship the Lord with Gladness
Psalms 100:2.


Jesus, the Master Gardener
of my life

Live like a Flower


Flowers are truly one of His most

rewarding exquisite creations.

So beautiful,

they stand against all odds,

No matter how tough the weather treats them,

hail, snow,rain,and sun;

these little creations stand as if to say;

"All alone am I,

so special in my way,

God put me here

To live my life so short,

and do my job, no matter the weather.

I will stand and take it....


However many or few see me,

I will stand

God put me here and I am glad."

Flowers take anything that their short life gets.

No fighting, no words,

Just an extreme beauty,

sweet fragrance,

doing a job quietly,

to the best of it's ability!

how wonderful the world would be,

If we all lived in the world quietly,

doing what we were put here to do,

alone, or one of many,

without any hassles,

Just shear magnificence

sweetness and commitment.


Poem By Linda White

God created you just as beautiful and unique as any flower.

There is no one else like you.

He has designed you with a unique combination of

gifts and talents, strengths and life experiences.

But He never designed you to stand alone.

you are an important and valuable "flower" in His bouquet.

1 Peter 1:24 For all men are like grass, and all their glory

is like the flowers of the field;

the grass withers and the flowers fall,

but the word of the Lord stands forever.

Will you trust God's design

in your life today?